Audition Information and Registration
Motivation, Encouragement, Inspiration by Classical music!

Houston Young Artists’ Concert is a non-profit organization promoting young talented musicians in the Greater Houston Metropolitan area (75 mile radius of downtown Houston). We are looking to encourage the next generation of rising stars to share their enthusiasm through their music and demonstrate the importance and beauty of classical music—to show and inspire young audiences.
We would like to hear your best piece(s) that display your personality and passion in making music.
HYAC regrets to inform you that auditions scheduled for May 2023 have been cancelled due to the lack of staff. HYAC is looking for more volunteers who are interested in organizing future events for the most talented young musicians of Houston. Please contact us if you are interested.
Audition Rules
Any age under 18 years old (kindergarten through pre-college students).
Two categories:
Pick one category
A) Classical Music: Soloist (piano, orchestral instrument, vocal, guitar, marimba, etc.) and Ensemble for duet, trio, quartet, quintet (piano ensemble, string ensemble, woodwind ensemble, piano trio, string trio, piano quartet, string quartet, etc. and any combination of different instruments). HYAC will provide one piano.
B) Non-Classical Music (Broadway musical, Jazz solo and ensemble, Traditional music solo and ensemble)
Musical selection:
Contestants will play one piece for auditions and concerts. Selected artists will play the same piece for the concerts at Miller Outdoor Theatre. For soloists, we highly recommend to perform by memory. For ensemble groups, it is not necessary to memorize, but we highly recommend to use the music stand in a lower setting.
For Category A, contestants may choose music written by classical composers in Baroque, Classical, Romantic, and Modern/Contemporary—no improvisation, contestant's own compositions, or piano concerto will be accepted. A movement of an instrumental concerto work with piano accompaniment is acceptable.
For Category B, contestants may choose any piece in any period.
Performance duration:
Maximum 6 minutes for auditions. We strongly recommend contestants to choose one piece under 6 minutes. Shorter, exciting, memorable pieces under 6 minutes are suitable for the outreach concerts at Miller Outdoor Theater.
Contestants playing longer than 6 minutes (maximum 12 minutes) will not be selected for the concerts at Miller Outdoor Theatre, but you may be invited to perform for HYAC’s recitals at KAWAI Piano Gallery Houston in 2023-2024.
All soloists must provide their own accompanist for the audition. A younger accompanist is recommended. The soloist and accompanist are judged separately. If only the soloist is chosen, he or she will be required to use the HYAC staff accompanist when performing at HYAC sponsored events. If help is needed in finding an accompanist for an audition, please contact the concert director at
Audition Procedure:
Only one round of audition will determine acceptance. A panel of judges will hear live auditions. Performances will be judged on musicianship, stage presence, and audience appeal. No comments or written critiques will be given. The board members and judge’s decisions will be final and cannot be appealed.
1) HYAC will select 9~11 performers/groups for the outreach concerts at Miller Outdoor Theatre held on June 13, 2023.
2) Newly selected “Houston Young Artists” will be invited to perform a series of HYAC recitals 2023-2024.
3) All contestants will be invited to HYAC workshop for stage performance training and masterclasses by guest artists. We will keep in touch with their progress to become the next Houston Young Artists.
4) Scholarships will be given to selected artists who perform at Miller Outdoor Theatre.
Application fee:
$50 per contestant and $30 per ensemble member for one registration (i.e. $60 for duet, $90 for trio, $120 for quartet, etc.)
Application processes:
Online application form and payment of the fee will open at in April 2022. Deadline is May 1, 2022, at 11:59 p.m..
Audition Process:
Auditions will take place at KAWAI Piano Gallery Houston on May 26 (Friday at 4-9pm) and 27 (Saturday at 10am-6pm).
Results will be announced to the contestants before June 1st via email.
Performance engagements:
If selected artists can’t attend any of the following events, they will lose their status as Houston Young Artists; your spot will be given to the next runner-up.
Orientation and dress rehearsal at KAWAI Piano Gallery on Friday, June 9, 2023 (4-9pm).
Selected young artists will perform at Miller Outdoor Theater in June 2023. (Dates: TBA)
Other selected artists will perform for the recitals recorded professionally and uploaded on HYAC’s channel on YouTube.
For any questions about HYAC auditions, please contact us at
Important Dates
April 2023
Application Acceptance
May 1, 2023 at 11:59 p.m.
Deadline for the application
May 26, 2023
(Friday at 4 p.m. - 9 p.m.)
Live Auditions at KAWAI Piano Gallery Houston
May 27, 2023
(Saturday at 10 a.m. - 6 p.m.)
Live Auditions at KAWAI Piano Gallery Houston
June 9, 2022
(Friday at 4 p.m. - 8 p.m.)
Orientation and Rehearsals at KAWAI Piano Gallery Houston
June 13, 2023
Outreach Concerts at Miller Outdoor Theatre
(Dress rehearsal & stage/microphone setting at 9 a.m.)
Dates and Venues 2023: TBA
A series of Recitals, Workshops, and Masterclasses
Mr. Charles Butt
Mrs. Louise Stude Sarofim
Miller Theatre Advisory Board
HYAC is funded in part by a grant from the city of Houston through Houston Arts Alliance.